■ハードボイルド 大阪 ACT.11
"I'm going to make a little speech," he said. "You're not going to like it."
I didn't say anything.
French said: "It's like this with us, baby. We're coppers and everybody hates our guts. And as if we didn't have enough trouble, we have to have you. As if we didn't get pushed around enough by the guys in the corner offices, the City Hall gang, the day chief, the night chief, the Chamber of Commerce, His Honor the Mayor in his paneled office four times as big as the three lousy rooms the whole homicide staff has to work out of. As if we didn't have to handle one hundred and fourteen homicides last year out of three rooms that don't have enough chairs for the whole duty squad to sit down in at once. We spend our lives turning over dirty underwear and sniffing rotten teeth. We go up dark stairways to get a gun punk with a skinful of hop and sometimes we don't get all the way up, and our wives wait dinner that night and all the other nights. We don't come home any more. And nights we do come home, we come home so goddam tired we can't eat or sleep or even read the lies the papers print about us. So we lie awake in the dark in a cheap house on a cheap street and listen to the drunks down the block having fun. And just about the time we drop off the phone rings and we get up and start all over again. Nothing we do is right, not ever. Not once. If we get a confession, we beat it out of the guy, they say, and some shyster calls us Gestapo in court and sneers at us when we muddle our grammar. If we make a mistake they put us back in uniform on Skid Row and we spend the nice cool summer evenings picking drunks out of the gutter and being yelled at by whores and taking knives away from greaseballs in zoot suits. But all that ain't enough to make us entirely happy. We got to have you."

フレンチがいった。「俺たちの事だ、ベイビー。俺たちは警官で、俺たちの頑張りは誰からも嫌われている。君らにわずらわされにゃあならんのに、なんの問題もおきてないかのようにいう。 役員室の連中や、市役所の連中、日直主任、夜勤主任、商工会議所、殺人課のお粗末な三つの部屋の四倍大きな、パネルで仕切られたオフィスにいる市長閣下たちにこき使われているのにまだ足りないという。 課の全員が一度に座れるだけの椅子がない三つの部屋から、去年114件の殺人を処理する必要がなかったようにいう。俺たちは汚れた下着をめくり、腐った歯を嗅ぐことに人生を費やしている。 麻薬(ヤク)をやり過ぎた武装したチンピラをつかまえるために暗い階段を登り、しばしばそのまま行ったきりになり、かみさんたちはその夜と他のすべての夜に夕食を待たされる。 俺たちは今以上は家に帰れない。家に帰れた夜はひどく疲れて家に着き、飯も食えず、眠れず、新聞が俺たちについて印刷した嘘を読むことさえできない。 そして、俺たちは安い通りの安い家で暗闇の中で目を覚まし、酔っ払いの馬鹿げた戯言に耳を傾ける。ちょうど寝入る頃に電話が鳴り、それから俺たちは起きあがってもう一度はじめからやり直すんだ。 俺たちがすることは何も正しくない、決して、一度も。供述させても、俺たちが殴ってさせたと連中は言い、一部のいかさま弁護士は法廷で俺たちをゲシュタポと呼び、文法がおかしければ俺たちをあざ笑う。 ミスを犯せばスラム街の巡査に戻され、"快適な涼しい夏の夜"に、溝から酔っぱらいを拾い、売女(ばいた)に怒鳴られ、ズート服のイタ公(グリースボール)からナイフを取り上げて過ごすんだ。 だが、それだけじゃ俺たちを幸福に満たさせるのに十分じゃない。俺たちは君にわずらわされる必要があるんだ。」

(レイモンド・チャンドラー 「かわいい女(The Little Sister)」より)


■ハードボイルド 大阪 ACT.10
Wonderful what Hollywood will do to a nobody. It will make a radiant glamour queen out of a drab little wench who ought to be ironing a truck driver's shirts, a he-man hero with shining eyes and brilliant smile reeking of sexual charm out of some overgrown kid who was meant to go to work with a lunchbox. Out of a Texas car hop with the literacy of a character in a comic strip it will make an international courtesan, married six times to six millionaires and so blas? and decadent at the end of it that her idea of a thrill is to seduce a furniture mover in a sweaty undershirt.

素晴らしきハリウッドが名もなき者にすること。それは、トラック運転手のシャツにアイロンをかけているべき、さえない小間使いの娘を、まばゆい魅惑の女王に仕立て、 弁当箱を手に仕事に行くつもりだったひょろ長いだけの若造を、異性を魅了する香りを放つ、きらめく瞳と華麗な微笑みをもつ男らしいヒーローに仕立てることだ。 漫画のキャラクター程度の教養しかないテキサスの接客嬢(カー・ホップ)は国際的な高級娼婦に育てる。6人の億万長者と6回結婚し、それに飽きたら?堕落の末に汗まみれのアンダーシャツを着た家具の運送屋を誘惑して興奮することを思いつくような高級娼婦に。

(レイモンド・チャンドラー 「かわいい女(The Little Sister)」より)


■ハードボイルド 大阪 ACT.9
Somebody was nuts. I was nuts. Everybody was nuts. None of it fitted together worth a nickel.


(レイモンド・チャンドラー 「事件屋稼業(Trouble Is My Business)」より)


■ハードボイルド 大阪 ACT.8
The mouth moved enough to say: "Yeah?"
"Company for the boss," Hawkins said expansively.
"What company?"
"Let me play too," I said. "Limited Liability Company. Gimme the apple."
"Huh?" The eyebrows went this way and that and the jaw came out. "Nobody ain't kiddin' anybody, I hope."
"Now, now, gents-" Hawkins began.
A voice behind the derby-hatted man interrupted him. "What's the matter, Beef?"
"He's in a stew," I said.
"Listen, mugg-"
"Now, now, gents-" as before.
"Ain't nothing the matter," Beef said, throwing his voice over his shoulder as if it were a coil of rope. "The hotel dick got a guy up here and he says he's company."
"Show the company in, Beef." I liked this voice. It was smooth quiet, and you could have cut your name in it with a thirty-pound sledge and a cold chisel.


(レイモンド・チャンドラー 「事件屋稼業(Trouble Is My Business)」より)


■ハードボイルド 大阪 ACT.7
Degarmo came to his feet and walked over to lean down at me. "Say that again," he said softly.
I said it again.
He hit me across the face with his open hand. It jerked my head around hard. My face felt hot and large.
"Say it again," he said softly.
I said it again. His hand swept and knocked my head to one side again.
"Say it again."
"Nope. Third time lucky. You might miss." I put a hand up and rubbed my cheek.


(レイモンド・チャンドラー 「長編版 湖中の女(The Lady in the Lake)」より)


"Police business," he said almost gently, "is a hell of a problem. It's a good deal like politics. It asks for the highest type of men, and there's nothing in it to attract the highest type of men. So we have to work with what we get-and we get things like this."


(レイモンド・チャンドラー 「長編版 湖中の女(The Lady in the Lake)」より)

■ハードボイルド 大阪 ACT.6
"You don't seem to be doing very much worrying about it," I said.
"A mountain sheriff don't have to worry a lot," Barron said calmly. "Nobody expects him to have any brains. Especially guys like Mr. Luders don't."


(レイモンド・チャンドラー 「山には犯罪なし(No Crime in the Mountains)」より)
